Gabriel Ranch in Van, Texas is a family operation with exceptional standards for the care and quality of their cattle. Farmers market shoppers care deeply about the story of the producers at the market and knowing where food comes from. Gabriel Ranch is ahead of the herd with the traceability and life-story genetics available for every animal in their care. Grass-fed, hormone-free, and steroid-free cattle enjoy a healthy lifestyle and contribute to an improved soil quality across the ranch. During the Dallas Farmers Market visit to Gabriel Ranch, Ranch Manager Andrew, shared how important it is that everyone on their team understands the lifestyle of cattle and how to create a low stress environment. “Do you know how many times a cow ruminates in a minute? Seventy-three. I want to make sure all of our cattle have plenty of time to ruminate in a day.” On Gabriel Ranch, each cow is known down to its DNA and it shows in their relaxed demeanor. When it comes time to move from one pasture to another, you won’t find dogs and prods to move along the cattle. Instead, happy cowhands gently guide the girls from the flanks and stir them toward greener pastures.

You can find premium Angus Beef from Gabriel Ranch in The Shed this Saturday from 9AM – 5PM.