There’s something sweet about being rooted in place. Relationships, communities, friendships, and family – the deeper the roots the sweeter they are – the same is true in our gardens, too. Root veggies make the space and take the time to dig deep and create something sweet in the most unlikely place. Unlike the eye-catching fruit of summer, root vegetables grow in the slow and steady quiet of winter, tucked away in a world of their own. There’s vulnerability in being deeply rooted, claiming a home, and leaning in even as you branch out.
The vibrant carrots we love don’t start off so striking – they begin life as one of the smallest seeds you’ll come across in the garden. Small and unassuming, the tiny pale seed (smaller than a sesame) dances away from a carrot bloom with the slightest breeze. Where the wind blows, the seed will go for a fresh start to life. Finding home and taking root is no simple task for a seed; conditions of soil, sunlight, and water must be just right. In all the searching from home, timing is still everything when it comes to taking root. After all, seeds are only self-sustaining for so long. After a while, everyone needs a little help from outside to allow us to grow. The choice to take root is a challenge of following intuition, and sometimes simply trusting the gardener that planted you there.
What encourages a seed to finally take root? It’s easy to keep following the wind in search of the perfect place, but you risk never taking root and developing the sweetness of life. The winter will come and when it does, deep roots protect you and allow you to grow stronger against all odds. Taking root and digging in when the time is right means growing into your home, not only when you’re in need but when you know it’s the place you’re meant to be. The warmth and protection of the earth keep our carrots strong and sweet, even in the harshest time of year. The choice to be planted comes from peace within, but the sweetness of life comes from the sustaining love of a supportive community.
Becoming a part of the Dallas Farmers Market community is all about laying down roots and connecting with your neighbors. Major cities aren’t easy to navigate with friends and neighbors continually coming and going. Choosing to stay rooted and maintain connections allows you to tap into the sweetness of life — neighbors you can count on, friends you can share with, and a home you can grow in. We’re not always in last days of winter, spring is coming fast, but remembering to dig in now means we’ll be firmly rooted when we need it.