
  • 1 Cup of Pear – peeled and diced from State 28 Farms
  • ¼ Cup Honey from Round Rock Honey
  • ½ Cup Water
  • 1 Vanilla Bean
  • 1.5 oz Gin
  • Soda Water to top off


  1. Create simple syrup by combining diced pears, honey, water, and vanilla seeds from half of the pod.
  2. Bring ingredients to a low boil. Simmer for 8 – 10 minute, until the liquid is golden brown and pears start to breakdown.
  3. Strain liquid and press out remaining syrup from pear. Discard, compost, or give pear chunks to your chickens.
  4. Let simple syrup cool completely.
  5. Combine 2 tbsp of pear vanilla simple syrup and 1.5 oz of gin over ice, top with soda water and garnish with a thin slice of pear and vanilla bean if desired. Sugar rim is also a nice touch!