Mama Ida’s Community Garden is getting an upgrade for our native pollinators! Dallas Farmers Market has been awarded a Bring Back the Monarchs to Texas grant to implement an all Texas-native pollinator garden alongside our naturally grown vegetables at The Shed. Growing Texas native plants will improve the local ecology by providing nectar sources to the many pollinators in our area!
Monarch butterflies fly their way over Texas each year during their fall migration from Canada and the Northern US to their over-winter home in the Oyamel fir tree forests, just outside of Mexico City. During their migration, Monarch butterflies rely on nectar from flowers such as butterfly weed, salvia, and blue mistflower along with milkweed plants that are the host plant and primary food source for the Monarch butterflies eggs + caterpillars. As cities continue to grow and land is developed, these nectar sources are in short supply across many areas. Thanks to the improvements to Mama Ida’s Community Garden, there will be an abundance of nectar-providing and pollinator sustaining plants in our urban neighborhood making it a designated Monarch waystation!
Growing native Texas plants may seem like a small contribution but if every balcony in downtown Dallas had just one pollinator plant, we wouldn’t have just a Monarch waystation, we’d have a whole Monarch highway! When we support Monarch butterflies, we also contribute to the wellbeing of all of our pollinator-friends such as bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, bats, and beetles. This weekend in The Shed you can support our local farmers, ranchers, and beekeepers who put pollinators first every day! Little Farmers can learn along with the Dallas Farmers Market team at 11AM all about native pollinators in Mama Ida’s Community Garden.
Support Pollinators with these local vendors in The Shed –
- All Things Flowers – Local Flower Grower
- North Texas Pecans – Beekeeper & Pecans
- Nut Naturally – Beekeeper & Nut Butters
- Round Rock Honey Co – Local Beekeepers