Boy, do we have an incredible celebration just for you! Before we start the Fiesta let’s catch up on some important Cinco de Mayo facts. Cinco de Mayo, is a holiday celebrating the date of the Mexican army’s May 5, 1862 victory over France at the Battle of Puebla, also known as Battle of Puebla Day; which was proudly led by Texas-born General Ignacio Zaragoza. While this day is a relatively minor holiday in Mexico, here in the US, Cinco de Mayo has evolved into a commemoration of Mexican culture and its beautiful heritage.

At the Dallas Farmers Market, we try our best to celebrate the endless color of cultures surrounding us, and we are excited to host a great big Cinco de Mayo Fiesta for you to celebrate with us. Join us on Saturday May 6th from 10am-3pm for our culture and color rich Cinco de Mayo celebration. From folklorico dancers and performing horses to one-of-a-kind vendors and all the fun in between, we have it all. If you’re just here for the tacos, looking for a senorita named Margarita or want to nurture a serious relation-chip, we definitely have that too.

Join us for the celebration and don’t forget to stop at The Shed for all your local and everyday needs!


🌺 10:00AM Fiesta DJ X
🌺 10:30AM Hot sauce contest ($300 in special gift for the winner..!)
🌺 11:00AM Special performance by Ballet Folklorico Santa Monica.

  • Concheros
  • Oaxacana
  • Veracruz

🌺 11:30AM Live singer Jesse Rdz
🌺 11:45AM Huapango Potosino

  • Revolución Mexicana
  • Sinaloa

🌺 12:20PM Folklore and Tradition Artisanal Runner
🌺 12:45PM Live singer Jesse Rdz
🌺 1:00PM Jalisco
🌺 1:30PM directly from Tepotzotlán Estado de México

  • Kimberly Vega y su show de Caballos

🌺 2:00PM Special Charro Performance + live singer with Kimberly Vega and her Andalusian horses
🌺 Many other activities and small businesses at the Dallas Farmers Market!