Did you know that Earth Day was first held in 1970? It was initially a student movement resulting from growing awareness about deteriorating air and water quality. Today, Earth Day mobilizes millions of people worldwide to create change for a better world. Here are 6 ways you can celebrate Earth Day:
– GO outside and enjoy nature! Have a picnic with family or invite friends to go for a nature walk or a hike
– TRADE-IN disposable plastics with reusables – start small, try carrying your own water bottle and reusable bags
– PITCH IN by picking up trash, with a friend or part of a local cleanup
– SUPPORT local agriculture and buy produce from local farmers
– DONATE to an environmental non-profit you believe in
– HELP bees by making your yard more pollinator-friendly by planting native plants
Above all, remember that you can protect Mother Earth not just on April 22nd, but everyday of the year. Happy Earth Day! Thank you @usefullco for the great tips!