Dallas restaurant owners like George Kaiho have found themselves in double trouble during this week’s winter storm. His apartment in the Dallas Farmers Market hasn’t had power since Monday. And his Thai restaurant Ka-Tip, located on the first floor of the same building, has experienced rolling power outages since Sunday.

Concerned about perishables spoiling at his restaurant, Kaiho started cooking in the dark.

He opened Ka-Tip at 9 a.m. Tuesday, without power, and started grilling “whatever we have available.” His intention was to serve neighbors living in the 3,000-some apartments in the Dallas Farmers Market and make some money during a pandemic enraged by weather closures. Workers at Rex’s Seafood in the Dallas Farmers Market also started cooking on Tuesday, feeding residents food from the gas grill.

By lunchtime Tuesday, Ka-Tip got its power back. But it was gone again by mid-afternoon.

Kaiho kept cooking.


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